Sunday, January 15, 2023

This Life Is Yours & Yours Alone

 You have to stop living in the context of other peoples opinions...

what others think of you is none of your business

divorce yourself from the crowd

process of elimination

get rid of the excess

because noone is going to save you

you have to dig yourself out of that hole youre in




I Fortunately & Unfortunately learned this the hard way. When things in life get rough you're usually left to fend for yourself. That's why these days I don't surround myself with that many people. I have a very small circle. Being "Ms.Popular" isn't my thing anymore. I'd rather not be seen. I've went thru some of the darkest times of my life with literally maybe a handful of people next to me. Genuinely next to me & not there just to be nosey! Not too many people KNOW ME. Most people know "Lo" or my social media "persona". And honestly at this point in my life I really don't care. I don't need the attention or fake love.

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